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segunda-feira, 23 de setembro de 2013

Mr. Rational

Mr. rational hates instability
Mr. rational loves feelings
Mr. rational likes pleasure
Mr. rational is interested in serendipity
Mr. rational doens't like displeasure
Mr. rational loves feeling useful
Mr. rational hates feeling useless
Mr. rational likes to work hard
Mr. rational hates to feel like his hard work's gone to waste
Mr. rational wants to impress people
Mr. rational just wants to be happy with the people
Mr. rational likes the people
Mr. rational doesn't care about some people
Mr. rational hates some things about some people
Mr. rational doesn't wish to dislike the people
Mr. rational protects himself from some people
Mr. rational induces people to protect themselves from him
Mr. rational really wishes he could be totally free with the people
Mr. rational is really ok with the fact that people are different from him
Mr. rational sometimes wish he knew more about the people
Mr. rational knows not even the people know about themselves.
Mr. rational is rational.
Mr. rational is emotional.
Mr. rational likes pleasure.
Mr. rational is me.
I am Mr. rational.


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